about the author

Leslie Feast (known as Les), has been in a long life searching for the reasons for this existence and has written many books on the subject. More for his learning than for others. For as he has been writing these books, of what he has experienced as his truth maybe others may want to search for their own and realise that there is a God.His true awakening began in 1974, upon arriving at St Georges Cathedral in Perth, Western Australia as a visitor to take part in a baptism ceremony, being early and waiting inside the cathedral for this event, a magnificent brilliant golden light suddenly beamed from the altar at the top of the church, it engulfed him in what he felt was this divine love he had never experienced before. Sadly, no one else felt it, however it inspired him so much that he had to get another fix, so to speak, and so began his journey. As this was an Anglican Church, he felt he was being called maybe to be a priest, although he was never a real church goer; but alas time was to show this was not his path. So, after a number of years, now being a regular church attendee, a stranger came into his life and he guided him into the Spiritualist Church and after many years here he learnt to honour the gift of clairvoyant he had and later developed it into a spiritual medium which is able to connect souls with the other side of the veil; hearing what loved ones passed over had to say to help heal those left behind who were grieving. He saw this as a way to prove that there is life after physical death. However, he also thought, that by having such a gift from God, would make his life good but in contrast it actually got worse in the eyes of his family and friends as he lost one intimate relationship after another and then was robbed and lost his businesses, to those who were not so loving and kind and honest. He ended up near bankruptcy and destitute with no job or love in his life. He had contemplated suicide but could not manage that well either. So, the universe stepped in and somehow, he ended up in India seeing a master swami called, Sri Sathya SaiBaba who connected him to Archangel Michael. The Archangel appeared before him at around 3am in the morning while in the Ashram. It left him with undeniable proof that there is a God and so began his personal growth as an angelic messenger for whoever wants to hear the words he channels from this divine energy of God, the source of all that is. Therefore, from 2003, Les now only works for God and has found all his needs are taken care of to this very day in faith and trust. He is happy and grateful while feeling blessed.Note to the reader: Thank you for reading this story. What I have seen personally is this divine light of an engulfing love sensation which is beyond my understanding; it left me in no doubt that there is a supreme energy and led me to conclude that God exists in us all, if you can give it a name at all; so, my dream is that I want you to have this feeling and knowing too and that is to also love forever and hurt never. May your journey be truly blessed. Amen.

About the Books



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